I've been slacking off on actually taking pictures, especially with my film cameras;
there's a box of 30 or so rolls of undeveloped film sitting in an industrial metal cabinet in my house.
I used the cabinet for a beside table for a while, but I decided it was ugly there and didn't want to fall out
of bed and hit my head on the sharp metal corner of an ugly metal cabinet.
These days I take most of my pictures with a broken Canon Powershot A1000 (It has red tape over the battery door!
Who thought to make the battery door latch out of crappy plastic?) or a Sony DSC-HX5V that I gave a Powershot-themed makeover
(It has red *paint* over the battery door! This one is metal; no tape required.)
I wanted to open with an interesting one, so here's my dad, somewhere in northern California. I took this with a Mamiya Six Automat II on some B&W film. That camera is awesome
but the bellows are old and cracked and so it has light leaks like nothing else.
Early 2020, right before You know.
Oceanside somewhere. Taken on Mamiya Universal Press Camera: it weighs 5 pounds but takes awesome pictures :)
Here's a photo I took the other day, walking Portland's NW Skyline Blvd with Jasmine.
Morning walk, 2023.11.25
This one reminds me of American Gothic a little bit. I liked the weird, flat little tree.
Others from the same walk:
On Alberta St. Complete janitorial service. Golden hour makes the shittiest buildings look awesome:
That's Photography For You!
February snow day in my little back alley where I live.
Patrick's Point, Inn. Love Patrick's Point.
Hearst castle w/ Leica R4
Getting lazy. Will upload more later. Love you!